High Levels of THC in CBD Products Reported in the UK – Western Morning News

THC in CBD Products

There is a wide array of CBD Reviews and products retailing in major countries around the world. It has been integrated into massage oils, pills, and even beer. However, sellers in the UK have always avoided attaching their CBD oils to any medical products. Therefore, they result to market it as food supplements.

However, how safe are CBD products being sold as food supplements?

It is not the first time complaints have been made of the cannabis industry “enjoying” their consumers. Reports have been made on how these products have more or less CBD content than that provided on the label.

The Study on THC Levels in CBD Products

PhytoVista alongside The Centre for Medical Cannabis conducted research and realized most CBD products in Europe had twice as much as the recommended THC levels.

The products being researched were mostly CBD oil and other products sold online. Of the samples, 45% recorded a 0.4% THC level while the accepted amount is only 0.2%.

What the Study Revealed

Apart from the double THC levels, there were other solvents in the cannabidiol products. As much as 42% of the products contained other solutions other than those advertised.

The study also showed that only 38% of the cannabis extracts had less than half the amount of CBD they claim to have. These results are both shocking and disappointing, especially for those relying on them for medical purposes.

There is more need than ever for the government of Europe to regulate these CBD products.  Businessmen have been taking advantage of the rise in demand for cannabidiols and exploiting customers.

A CBD product (30ml) which retails in the market for €90 had 0% CBD content. Another product was found to have dichloromethane ranging between 3 and 13 ppm. Cyclohexane is a solvent which was also found in a CBD product at the concentration of 27.9 ppm. Surprisingly, cannabidiol extracts recorded as high as 3.4 ethanol concentration which is more than the legally acceptable amount.

While some of the solvents found in the products are legal and within the recommended amounts, they still exceeded the standards for food safety. The high concentration of solutions is posing a high risk to health while consumers remain in the dark.

The European government needs to take action. If possible, they should come up with by-laws asking industry players to manufacture products within the set rules. They should set standards and regulations that promote the production of high-quality products which promote health, rather than endanger it.

What the UK Government is Doing About This

The alarming findings in this study provided data for the Royal Pharmaceutical Society to ask the government to enforce laws regarding THC levels. In a letter, they addressed their concerns and willingness to help come up with strategies to ensure that all manufacturers comply.

Pharmacists expressed their concerns and asked for clear guidelines in relation to the handling and legality of cannabidiol. Moreover, they also asked about the outdated and current laws on cannabis.

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