Could the mysterious vaping-related illnesses be connected to bootleg products? Of 30 vape products—all sold as CBD—The Associated Press had tested, 10 contained synthetic marijuana (also known as K2 or spice), while some did not have any CBD. The results reflect what law-enforcement agencies are finding; Mississippi authorities found deadly fentanyl in some vape products. Read more at…
Convenience stores and other small businesses in low-income areas of Los Angeles are changing the kinds of food they sell, thanks to a Los Angeles Food Policy Council project, Healthy Neighborhood Market Network. For five years, the Network has helped transform corner stores to increase their capacity for a bigger variety of foods, including produce and other healthy foods. Read more at…
A woman claiming to be a freelance reporter for the BBC friended reporters covering the March trial of a lawsuit claiming that Roundup causes cancer. As the woman developed relationships with the journalists, she seemingly tried to influence their coverage by supporting the company’s cases. Within weeks, reporters discovered the mysterious woman actually worked for a consulting firm that Monsanto had hired. It’s the not the first time the consulting firm had pulled such a charade. Read more at…
An FDA advisory committee suggested on Friday that the Food and Drug Administration approve a peanut powder that could help children and teenagers better manage their allergic reactions to the legume. Palforzia would be prescribed as an oral immunotherapy protocol that could lower patients’ risk of severe reactions. However, it would not cure the allergy itself. Read more at…
About 10% of Germans are vegetarians or vegans, and the amount of meat Germans eat is steadily declining. Still, Germans who do eat meat consumer more than is healthy or sustainable (just like Americans). To improve animal welfare and fight climate change, the country’s Animal Welfare Association has proposed raising the tax on meat to the rate that all other food is taxed, 19%. Read more at Business Insider…