New Field Test Kit Can Differentiate CBD From THC, How Much Of Each Is In A Product – Yahoo Finance

The CBD/THC Differentiation Test Pouch kit also provides a presumptive indication of whether the THC content is above the legal 0.3% limit when using in tandem with the free MobileDetect app.

DetectaChem works closely with state, local and federal law enforcement agencies, and assures a field test kit like this has been necessary for quite some time now.

„Members of the law enforcement community have been asking us for this capability for years due to the increasingly complex legal landscape for CBD and THC across the U.S., and their need to properly address interstate trafficking, grow farms and production, seizures and alignment with regulatory agencies,” says Greg Giuntini, Director of Market Development for DetectaChem, who worked closely on bringing the product to market.

The company conducted extensive testing and development of the product across multiple states with thousands of different CBD and THC products to develop a highly sensitive reaction chemistry.

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