Stop using vaping products containing THC, CDC warns –

The Centers for Disease Control is urging people not to use vaping products containing THC, the high-inducing chemical in marijuana.

The warning comes amid growing evidence that the outbreak of a potentially fatal lung disease has roots in vaping products containing THC. As of Oct. 29, 1,888 cases of the lung disease have been reported from every state except Alaska. Thirty-seven deaths, including one in Alabama, have been confirmed.

According to the CDC, 86 percent of patients experiencing symptom of the lung disease used THC-containing products in the three months before they became ill. While not legal in Alabama, health officials said THC-containing vaping products can be obtained fairly easily and are being used frequently, especially by teens or young adults.

“Never buy any type of e-cigarette or vaping products off the street, especially those containing THC, and do not modify or add any substances to these products bought at retail establishments,” State Health Officer Dr. Scott Harris said, adding the caution is especially important for women who are pregnant, youth and young people.

The Alabama Department of Public Health said there have been nine cases of the lung disease associated with e-cigarette products in the state. Of the nine cases, five are confirmed and four are probable.

Symptoms of the illness include cough, shortness of breath and fatigue that grow worse over a period of days or weeks. Other symptoms may include fever, chest pain, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Most of the cases are among adolescents and young adults.

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