Japan Tobacco Launches Caffeine Vaporizer – Nippon.com


Tokyo, Dec. 3 (Jiji Press)–A Japan Tobacco Inc. <2914> affiliate launched a vaporizer for smoking caffeine on Tuesday, saying it helps workers fight sleepiness.

The vaporizer, named „ston,” can be used with cartridges of liquids containing caffeine, according to the affiliate, Breather.

The company offers another flavor containing gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA, which is said to have a relaxing effect.

A set of three cartridges are sold at 1,980 yen. One cartridge can be used roughly 250 times and three cartridges will last about a month, according to Breather.

The vaporizer is priced at 6,600 yen. The device and the cartridges are both on sale online.

[Copyright The Jiji Press, Ltd.]

Jiji Press

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