Sutherland CBD Makes CBD Products Mostly In-House – FOX 21 Online

Family-owned business uses certified kitchen to make product from crude oil from cannabis.

SUPERIOR, Wis.- A Twin Ports CBD Store is growing its business model by making their own product mostly in-house.

Sutherland CBD is a family-run business that includes Superior City Councilor Craig Sutherland.

The business is now getting its crude oil from cannabis directly form a farmer in Bloomer, Wisconsin. It’s then dissolved in organic Coconut Oil in a certified kitchen in the Superior Business Center, before being bottled and labeled.

Each batch is sent to Colorado for testing before it’s sold. According to Sutherland, this allows his product to be free of pesticides and metals.

“We know exactly what we’re using, something to be said about making your own product, seeing that 3rd party testing come back exactly what you want it to be, and you can control the environment that it’s made in,” Sutherland said.

Formulating their own CBD in house also impacts what customers pay for.

“We can lower our prices now that we’re doing it ourselves. When we lower our prices we pass the savings on as much as we can to the consumer,” he said.

Sutherland CBD sells ingestible hemp oil up to 5,000 mg with claims of successfully treating people’s pain and anxiety, without the use of prescription pharmeceuticals.

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