Many marijuana edibles come as sweet or savory snacks that look just like regular candy, chips, or cookies. It’s easy for a child to mistake them for ordinary foods. But these products aren’t safe for children. If your child eats a THC edible, they could get very sick. They might even need to go to the hospital.
Marijuana can be infused into almost anything, including:
Chocolate bars
Gummy candies
These products tend to be things children like to eat and drink. If you use edibles, always keep them in a secure place where kids can’t get into them.
What Is THC?
Marijuana comes from the Cannabis sativa plant. Its active ingredient is a chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is the chemical that causes you to feel “high.” It can also be used medically to treat conditions like seizures and chronic pain.
But it poses both short- and long-term dangers for children and teens. Young brains are changing and developing. Exposure to THC during this time can lead to problems with nerve connections that can affect memory and IQ and lead to a higher risk of substance misuse later in life.
One reason weed edibles are so risky is that they may contain very high levels of THC, even for adults. Many contain 10-15 milligrams or more of THC, while the recommended dose for an adult inexperienced with edibles is 2.5-5 milligrams.
Portion size can also be confusing. A 50-gram chocolate bar might contain 100 milligrams of THC, which translates to 10 doses for an adult experienced with using edibles. An adult would likely eat just a portion of the candy. But a child could easily eat a whole bar.
How Often Do Children Accidentally Consume THC Edibles?
Since marijuana has become legal in more states, more children are being exposed to the drug. One study looked at phone calls to poison centers about marijuana exposure in children between 2017 and 2019.
About half of the 4,172 calls involved THC edibles. Throughout the 2 years, the number of calls went up. And childhood exposures were twice as common in states that had legalized marijuana. The calls most often involved children ages 3-5.
Other research found that children under age 10 who consumed edibles were more likely to require hospitalization than older kids.
What Happens if a Child Eats Edibles?
If your kid consumes an edible or drink containing THC, they might experience the effects of marijuana intoxication or THC poisoning. Symptoms may include:
Changed perception
Slurred speech
A fast heart rate
Intense sleepiness
Trouble breathing
Paranoia, anxiety, or panic
Nausea or vomiting
Poor coordination
In serious cases, your child could hallucinate, develop low blood pressure, or have a slow heart rate. Rarely, they could go into a coma.
How Long Does an Edible Last in a Child?
While smoking marijuana produces a high in just a few minutes, it often takes 30 minutes to an hour for a THC edible to take effect. And it can take 3-4 hours to reach the full effects.
Your child’s symptoms may differ based on their height and weight, just like medications affect people differently based on their size.
What to Do If Your Child Consumes an Edible
If you think your child may have consumed an edible or drink containing THC, call the poison control center hotline at 800-222-1222 right away. Your child needs immediate help, even if they’re not showing any symptoms. It might take some time for the effects to show up.
Try to identify what type of edible they had and how much they consumed. You may need to figure out how much was in the package and how much is gone.
The 24-hour hotline will connect you to a local poison control center, where a trained representative can explain what you need to do. You can also contact them online. The calls and texts are anonymous.
If your child has symptoms like slowed breathing or seizures, call 911.
Can a Child Overdose on THC?
While no overdose deaths have been reported in children due to edibles, intoxication can be very frightening.
If their symptoms are serious, they might need to go to the emergency room. They may need oxygen or IV fluids to help get the THC out of their bodies.
How to Prevent Your Child From Accidentally Consuming THC
Because cannabis isn’t legal on the federal level in the United States, it’s harder to control how it’s bought and sold. For example, there are no federal rules requiring child-safe packaging for THC edibles.
In some states, like Illinois, products containing cannabis must be odor-proof and cannot show images of toys, cartoons, children, or animals.
Without federal regulation, adults who use edibles must be especially careful to keep them out of reach from children. The best approach is to store them as you would prescription medicines. Some steps you can take include:
Keep them in a locked cabinet or other area children can’t access
Store them in a child-proof container
If they come in packaging that makes them look like candy or treats, repackage them in medicine bottles or similar containers
Don’t consume edibles in front of kids
If your child is going to visit a relative or friend, ask an adult in the household whether they have marijuana products in their home and if so, how they secure them.
If your child is old enough, have a conversation with them about the snacks they consume. Make sure they know to only take food or drinks from people they trust. Tell them to always ask before they eat or drink something they find.
Many marijuana edibles come as sweet or savory snacks that look just like regular candy, chips, or cookies. It’s easy for a child to mistake them for ordinary foods. But these products aren’t safe for children. If your child eats a THC edible, they could get very sick. They might even need to go to the hospital.
Marijuana can be infused into almost anything, including:
Chocolate bars
Gummy candies
These products tend to be things children like to eat and drink. If you use edibles, always keep them in a secure place where kids can’t get into them.
What Is THC?
Marijuana comes from the Cannabis sativa plant. Its active ingredient is a chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This is the chemical that causes you to feel “high.” It can also be used medically to treat conditions like seizures and chronic pain.
But it poses both short- and long-term dangers for children and teens. Young brains are changing and developing. Exposure to THC during this time can lead to problems with nerve connections that can affect memory and IQ and lead to a higher risk of substance misuse later in life.
One reason weed edibles are so risky is that they may contain very high levels of THC, even for adults. Many contain 10-15 milligrams or more of THC, while the recommended dose for an adult inexperienced with edibles is 2.5-5 milligrams.
Portion size can also be confusing. A 50-gram chocolate bar might contain 100 milligrams of THC, which translates to 10 doses for an adult experienced with using edibles. An adult would likely eat just a portion of the candy. But a child could easily eat a whole bar.
How Often Do Children Accidentally Consume THC Edibles?
Since marijuana has become legal in more states, more children are being exposed to the drug. One study looked at phone calls to poison centers about marijuana exposure in children between 2017 and 2019.
About half of the 4,172 calls involved THC edibles. Throughout the 2 years, the number of calls went up. And childhood exposures were twice as common in states that had legalized marijuana. The calls most often involved children ages 3-5.
Other research found that children under age 10 who consumed edibles were more likely to require hospitalization than older kids.
What Happens if a Child Eats Edibles?
If your kid consumes an edible or drink containing THC, they might experience the effects of marijuana intoxication or THC poisoning. Symptoms may include:
Changed perception
Slurred speech
A fast heart rate
Intense sleepiness
Trouble breathing
Paranoia, anxiety, or panic
Nausea or vomiting
Poor coordination
In serious cases, your child could hallucinate, develop low blood pressure, or have a slow heart rate. Rarely, they could go into a coma.
How Long Does an Edible Last in a Child?
While smoking marijuana produces a high in just a few minutes, it often takes 30 minutes to an hour for a THC edible to take effect. And it can take 3-4 hours to reach the full effects.
Your child’s symptoms may differ based on their height and weight, just like medications affect people differently based on their size.
What to Do If Your Child Consumes an Edible
If you think your child may have consumed an edible or drink containing THC, call the poison control center hotline at 800-222-1222 right away. Your child needs immediate help, even if they’re not showing any symptoms. It might take some time for the effects to show up.
Try to identify what type of edible they had and how much they consumed. You may need to figure out how much was in the package and how much is gone.
The 24-hour hotline will connect you to a local poison control center, where a trained representative can explain what you need to do. You can also contact them online. The calls and texts are anonymous.
If your child has symptoms like slowed breathing or seizures, call 911.
Can a Child Overdose on THC?
While no overdose deaths have been reported in children due to edibles, intoxication can be very frightening.
If their symptoms are serious, they might need to go to the emergency room. They may need oxygen or IV fluids to help get the THC out of their bodies.
How to Prevent Your Child From Accidentally Consuming THC
Because cannabis isn’t legal on the federal level in the United States, it’s harder to control how it’s bought and sold. For example, there are no federal rules requiring child-safe packaging for THC edibles.
In some states, like Illinois, products containing cannabis must be odor-proof and cannot show images of toys, cartoons, children, or animals.
Without federal regulation, adults who use edibles must be especially careful to keep them out of reach from children. The best approach is to store them as you would prescription medicines. Some steps you can take include:
Keep them in a locked cabinet or other area children can’t access
Store them in a child-proof container
If they come in packaging that makes them look like candy or treats, repackage them in medicine bottles or similar containers
Don’t consume edibles in front of kids
If your child is going to visit a relative or friend, ask an adult in the household whether they have marijuana products in their home and if so, how they secure them.
If your child is old enough, have a conversation with them about the snacks they consume. Make sure they know to only take food or drinks from people they trust. Tell them to always ask before they eat or drink something they find.
Cannabidiol demonstrates stellar results in mitigating pain and other issues. So, Delta 8 THC for sale remains the best-loved product for many cannabidiol needers. Yet, it is possible to take too much CBD. The consequences are usually not too severe — as a rule. Taking too much CBD can cause a row of issues. Yet, many patients wonder: how much is too much CBD? Can you take too much CBD? What happens if you use too much CBD oil? It is time to find answers to all of those questions!
Can CBD Oil Overdose Occur?
The answer is positive. But that answer is positive for any product we position in place of CBD. For instance, you might have a chocolate and coffee overdose. Overall, sugar overdose is not a rarity. And some other products might cause a pancreatic breakdown, heart issues, etc.
Too much CBD in any form does not differ from other natural materials. So, if you swallow X5 of your dose, anticipate issues soon. Even an X2 dose can be detrimental when the product’s concentration is high.
Can CBD Gummies Hinder Your Day if You Take Too Much CBD?
Of course, that is possible. The form does not change anything. Only chemical composition and concentration decide how you feel. For instance, your CBD gummies might be extra-rich with that component. So, one pack will cause all the issues. Some other gummies, in turn, will have moderate concentration. That will not have the capabilities to hurt you or spoil your day. So, be attentive to what labels say, and never risk taking too much CBD!
What Happens if You Overdose CBD?
The consequences depend on how much you took, what form of cannabidiol you used, and other medications you take (if any). Yet, as a rule, the issues will not make you go to the hospital. So, your negative CDB experience might cause:
1. Sleepiness
Feeling drowsy is a standard occurrence. It happens because too much CBD oil might interfere with your sleeping routine. It can cause drowsiness and the need to sleep more. That is extra unpleasant when you have a meeting at work or a lecture. Yet, a nap solves the problem. Nevertheless, it is advisable to take CBD oil for sleep only in the evening.
2. Dry Mouth
CBD is a bit notorious for causing a dry mouth feeling. So, if you are taking too much CBD right now, prepare for an intensified version of that effect. Still, you can deal with the desert in your mouth by drinking two glasses of water. Note that plain water from glass bottles is the finest choice. Juices and smoothies might suffice too, but clear water is better.
3. Diarrhea
Intestinal inflammation is not something you should joke with! CBD oil can irritate your intestine walls. Thus, a load of it might cause diarrhea. The watery stool is never pleasant. So, you might require to see a doctor if the condition persists for more than a day or two.
4. Lightheadedness
The feeling of being lightheaded is a common occurrence for many CBD oil users. So, too much cannabidiol might intensify that effect. The heartwarming news is that you can fix the feeling by lying down and taking deep breaths. The oxygen will soon reach your head, and the dizziness will disappear.
5. Anxiety and paranoia
CBD oil is famous for reducing anxiety and paranoia. So, too much of it might have the opposite effect. The feeling of being anxious is not too severe. But it can persist for some time if the CBD dose is too high. In severe cases, paranoia might occur too. It rarely happens, though!
What to Do if You Took Too Much CBD?
If you took too much cannabidiol and are now experiencing issues, it is time to act! So, the thing to do is sit or lie down. It would help if you tried to relax as much as possible. The feeling of anxiety will soon go away if you take deep breaths.
The second crucial step is to have some water. Drink at least two glasses of clear water to quench the thirst and reduce the dry mouth feeling. Hunger might kick in too. So, you might want to have something light to eat, like fruits or crackers. Note that too much food can make you feel worse!
If the issues persist, it is time to see a doctor. The feeling of anxiety might become too much to handle. So, you need professional help to deal with it. The same goes for diarrhea and other digestive issues!
Final Words
In conclusion, too much CBD oil can be detrimental. Still, it is not a life-threatening issue. You can solve 99% of the problems by yourself. Yet, you should see a doctor if the issues persist!
Several months after collecting about PLN 4.5 million (US$1.1 million) through crowdfunding, Polish hemp company Kombinat Konopny recently unveiled plans to launch production of pet treats and related products for cats and dogs with the use of cannabidiol (CBD) oil. Its first products for pets are to be rolled out in the coming months.
Maciej Kowalski, the company’s founder and majority shareholder, told that Kombinat Konopny will use its experience in manufacturing CBD oil and other hemp-based products to introduce new pet products to the market.
Three pet products at launch
“We plan to launch our new products for animals this summer,” Kowalski said. “In the beginning, we will release three products: a CBD oil based on fish oil for pets, in particular cats; hemp-based treats with CBD for dogs; and hemp-based pellets with CBD for horses. These products will be sold through our online store, but they will also be available at brick-and-mortar shops.”
Kowalski said the company was very interested in establishing cooperation with pet shops to market its new products, and that “each of these products will be one of the most affordable sources of CBD for animals.”
Products containing CBD oil can be provided to pets that struggle with anxiety, for instance in relation to veterinary visits, but also various medical conditions, according to the company’s founder.
“For now, we will focus our efforts on developing our own brand in the Polish market,” Kowalski said, adding that Kombinat Konopny is also selling some of its products abroad.
Record-breaking crowdfunding
The forthcoming product launches will be made possible by Kombinat Konopny’s crowdfunding effort that took place in December 2021. Breaking the country’s previous crowdfunding record set by local soccer club Wisła Kraków, Kombinat Konopny amassed the necessary funds from a group of about 736 investors over a period of seven minutes. As part of its further expansion plans, the company also aims to launch its initial public offering (IPO) on the Warsaw Stock Exchange.
Established in January 2019 and based in Gronowo Górne, in Poland’s northern part, Kombinat Konopny operates close to 400,000 square meters (478,400 square yards) of hemp plantations.
Adamowski is a freelance journalist based in Warsaw, Poland. He has written on various industries, including pet food, drinks, telecoms, energy, defense and pensions, for numerous English-language publications.
By Eric O’Connell/ • 05/31/2022 02:25 p.m. EST
The Zoning Commission has approved a moratorium on cannabis establishments and opted to continue a public hearing over proposed zoning regulations concerning marijuana.
In 2021 Connecticut legislators passed a bill that legalized recreational marijuana use by adults in the state. That bill left it up to local municipalities to control the possibility of a store opening for marijuana retail.
In Westbrook, the town proposed two different zoning text amendment applications: one placing a moratorium on cannabis applications for at least six months that would buy more time to consider any possible regulations, and another to set standards to allow retail marijuana stores as special permit in the neighborhood commercial district, turnpike interchange district, the industrial district, and the light industrial district. Cultivators would not be allowed in the neighborhood commercial district.
Both proposals were discussed at a commission hearing in April and both continued to May. At the May 23 meeting, the commission voted to close the public hearing on the moratorium and approved the moratorium.
Having a moratorium in place prevents any applicants from applying to change the zoning or apply to open a retail cannabis store while the commission takes time to further study the issue.
“If the town were to do nothing, state law says that if an application is received, it must be treated as a similar use. Therefore, if a town wishes to unilaterally prohibit these uses, it must adopt regulations to do so,” said then-zoning enforcement officer Michael D’Amato earlier in 2022.
At the same meeting, the commission also voted to keep open a public hearing over proposed zoning regulations that govern retail cannabis use. The proposed regulations would allow retail marijuana stores as special permit in the neighborhood commercial district, turnpike interchange district, the industrial district, and the light industrial district. Cultivators would not be allowed in the neighborhood commercial district.
Under the regulations, retailers would not be allowed in the same building as a child care facility or church and cannot be located adjacent to playgrounds, parks, or schools. The stores can only operate between 8 a.m. and 9 p.m.
Any proposal for a retail store would need a plan that details hours of operation, security, signage, parking circulation, and odor mitigation steps.
D’ Amato said last month at that due to restrictions from the state, Westbrook would be limited to only one retail and one cultivation establishment until 2024 because of its population.
“If a retail establishment were to open in Westbrook, three percent of the taxes generated by these sales will be transmitted to the town,” D’Amato said.
At the May 23 meeting, current Zoning Enforcement Officer Steve Hnatuk estimated that cannabis tax revenues would amount to $100,000 to $150,000.
The next zoning commission meeting is scheduled for Monday, June 27 at 7 p.m.
There has already been some light interest in possibly bringing a marijuana retail shop to town. At a February meeting, a potential applicant spoke with the commission informally to get a sense of what regulations were in place concerning marijuana sale.
The potential applicant, Chad Lynch, said he’s been involved in the business for about seven years and was interested in working in Connecticut. Lynch said that his plan would be to open a growing and light manufacturing facility in town with a retail dispensary for the public.
With no regulations on file, it was after that meeting that the town set to work on coming up with proposed regulations.
As the legislature entered its final day of the session on Friday, the long list of cannabis-related legislation had been whittled down to a little over a dozen new bills.
Overall, bolstering the OMMA’s authority, adding regulations to business owners and restructuring the licensure fee process were central themes during this year’s session.
Notably, HB4287 — a bill generating buzz in the industry that would’ve required dispensaries to switch from “deli-style” flower selection to prepackaged cannabis flower — did not pass.
Here are the cannabis-related bills that were signed into law this legislative session:
Marijuana business requirements:
HB4056– Requires a private laboratory under contract with OMMA to provide a list of recommendations for marijuana testing equipment, as well as testing standards and operating procedures. Beginning in June 2024, laboratories renewing their licenses and new laboratories looking to obtain a license will have to be in compliance with the determined standards.
HB3752– Makes it illegal for a commercial grow property owner to abandon the property without first restoring the land to its original condition.
HB3929– Requires the OMMA to develop standards for process validation. Process validation would be voluntary and would require licensees to use the seed-to-sale system, meet testing requirements and pay an annual fee of $5,000.
SB1704– Requires medical marijuana business employees to apply for a credential that authorizes them to work in the business. One or more third-party vendors would manage the credentialing process by conducting background checks, and verifying eligibility and suitability. If the application is not approved, the applicant can appeal the decision to the OMMA.
SB1737– Requires all commercial growers to post signage at least 18”x24” in size on the perimeter of the grow operation. Signs must include the business name, the physical address of the business, a phone number and the business license number. If a grower fails to put up the required signage within 60 days after their license renewal, the license will be revoked. The bill also requires all commercial growers with outdoor operations to register with the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry as an environmentally sensitive crop owner — this provides notice to nearby pesticide applicators in an effort to minimize pesticide drift.
Restructuring revenue:
HB3530– Creates the County Sheriff Public Safety Grant Revolving Fund, which would be used for law enforcement relating to marijuana. It would be funded by money received by the OMMA, as well as any federal funds, grants or donations from public or private sources.
Changing packaging requirements:
HB3019– Requires purchased marijuana leaving a dispensary to be contained in an exit package, which is described as an opaque bag. It would also require marijuana containers to be printed with “For use by licensed medical marijuana patients only,” and “Keep out of reach of children,” on the container. The container may be clear.
Bolstering OMMA and enforcement:
HB3208– Issues a moratorium on business licensing for a maximum of two years, starting Aug. 1, 2022, or until the OMMA can complete all pending license reviews, inspections and investigations.
HB3971– Implements a secret shopper program in which employees from the OMMA would purchase marijuana from dispensaries and send it to labs to test for contaminants and potency. Cannabis products found to have contaminants will have a recall issued.
SB1543– Removes the OMMA as a division of the Oklahoma State Department of Health. The OMMA would instead function as its own distinct entity.
SB1367– Does a few things related to punishments for unauthorized transfers of cannabis:
Raises the penalty for purchases or transfers of value of medical marijuana by a marijuana business, its employees or agents of the business to unauthorized persons. For the first offense, the fine is $5,000 (up from $1,000) and $15,000 (up from $5,000) for subsequent violations occurring within a one-year timeframe.
Raises the penalty for marijuana patients to share or sell marijuana to unauthorized persons. For the first offense, the fine is $400 (up from $200). For the second offense, the fine is $1,000 (up from $500), and the offender will have their license permanently revoked.
Raises the penalty for marijuana patients, caregivers, businesses or employees that share or sell marijuana to an unauthorized minor. For the first offense, the fine is $2,500 (up from a citation). For subsequent offenses, the offender is subject to a citation and fine of $5,000 (no change).
Revokes licenses upon the second incident of businesses, employees or agents fraudulently or inaccurately reporting within a 10-year period.
Restructuring the licensure process:
HB2179– Increases the annual license fee for growers based on the size of their canopy; for processors based on the amount of marijuana processed; for dispensaries based on a tax formula, and would implement a flat fee for testing laboratories.
All growers pay $2,500 as a base.
Indoor facilities and greenhouses or light deprivation facilities with canopies over 1,667 square feet then pay an additional $2,500 for up to 10,000 square feet of canopy. For 10,001-20,000 square feet, the fee is $5,000. These tiered rates continue, with a maximum fee for 100,000+ square feet of canopy at $50,000, plus 25 cents per additional square foot of canopy.
Canopy is defined as “the total surface area within a cultivation area that is dedicated to the cultivation of flowering marijuana plants.”
Outdoor grows with canopies over 83,334 square feet pay an additional $2,500 for up to 2.5 acres. For 2.5-5 acres, the fee is $5,000. These tiered rates continue, with a maximum fee for 50 acres at $40,000, plus $250 per additional acre.
Processors pay an application fee of $2,000 for up to 2,000 pounds of dried marijuana, with an annual fee of $3,500. For 2001-3000 pounds, the application fee increases to $2,500, and the annual fee increases to $5,000. For more than 3,000 pounds of marijuana, the application fee increases to $15,000, and the annual fee increases to $20,000.
For dispensaries, in addition to the $2,500 application fee, the annual fee is calculated at 10% of the sum of 12 calendar months of combined annual sales tax and excise tax for the dispensary. The minimum fee must be at least $2,500, and the maximum fee can’t exceed $10,000.
The annual fee for a testing laboratory license is $20,000.
SB1726– Adds commercial grow facilities to the list of new marijuana businesses that must establish themselves at least 1,000 from a public or private school. It would also add technology centers primarily used for classroom instruction to the definition of “school.”
As the legislature entered its final day of the session on Friday, the long list of cannabis-related legislation had been whittled down to a little over a dozen new bills.
Overall, bolstering the OMMA’s authority, adding regulations to business owners and restructuring the licensure fee process were central themes during this year’s session.
Notably, HB4287 — a bill generating buzz in the industry that would’ve required dispensaries to switch from “deli-style” flower selection to prepackaged cannabis flower — did not pass.
Here are the cannabis-related bills that were signed into law this legislative session:
Marijuana business requirements:
HB4056– Requires a private laboratory under contract with OMMA to provide a list of recommendations for marijuana testing equipment, as well as testing standards and operating procedures. Beginning in June 2024, laboratories renewing their licenses and new laboratories looking to obtain a license will have to be in compliance with the determined standards.
HB3752– Makes it illegal for a commercial grow property owner to abandon the property without first restoring the land to its original condition.
HB3929– Requires the OMMA to develop standards for process validation. Process validation would be voluntary and would require licensees to use the seed-to-sale system, meet testing requirements and pay an annual fee of $5,000.
SB1704– Requires medical marijuana business employees to apply for a credential that authorizes them to work in the business. One or more third-party vendors would manage the credentialing process by conducting background checks, and verifying eligibility and suitability. If the application is not approved, the applicant can appeal the decision to the OMMA.
SB1737– Requires all commercial growers to post signage at least 18”x24” in size on the perimeter of the grow operation. Signs must include the business name, the physical address of the business, a phone number and the business license number. If a grower fails to put up the required signage within 60 days after their license renewal, the license will be revoked. The bill also requires all commercial growers with outdoor operations to register with the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry as an environmentally sensitive crop owner — this provides notice to nearby pesticide applicators in an effort to minimize pesticide drift.
Restructuring revenue:
HB3530– Creates the County Sheriff Public Safety Grant Revolving Fund, which would be used for law enforcement relating to marijuana. It would be funded by money received by the OMMA, as well as any federal funds, grants or donations from public or private sources.
Changing packaging requirements:
HB3019– Requires purchased marijuana leaving a dispensary to be contained in an exit package, which is described as an opaque bag. It would also require marijuana containers to be printed with “For use by licensed medical marijuana patients only,” and “Keep out of reach of children,” on the container. The container may be clear.
Bolstering OMMA and enforcement:
HB3208– Issues a moratorium on business licensing for a maximum of two years, starting Aug. 1, 2022, or until the OMMA can complete all pending license reviews, inspections and investigations.
HB3971– Implements a secret shopper program in which employees from the OMMA would purchase marijuana from dispensaries and send it to labs to test for contaminants and potency. Cannabis products found to have contaminants will have a recall issued.
SB1543– Removes the OMMA as a division of the Oklahoma State Department of Health. The OMMA would instead function as its own distinct entity.
SB1367– Does a few things related to punishments for unauthorized transfers of cannabis:
Raises the penalty for purchases or transfers of value of medical marijuana by a marijuana business, its employees or agents of the business to unauthorized persons. For the first offense, the fine is $5,000 (up from $1,000) and $15,000 (up from $5,000) for subsequent violations occurring within a one-year timeframe.
Raises the penalty for marijuana patients to share or sell marijuana to unauthorized persons. For the first offense, the fine is $400 (up from $200). For the second offense, the fine is $1,000 (up from $500), and the offender will have their license permanently revoked.
Raises the penalty for marijuana patients, caregivers, businesses or employees that share or sell marijuana to an unauthorized minor. For the first offense, the fine is $2,500 (up from a citation). For subsequent offenses, the offender is subject to a citation and fine of $5,000 (no change).
Revokes licenses upon the second incident of businesses, employees or agents fraudulently or inaccurately reporting within a 10-year period.
Restructuring the licensure process:
HB2179– Increases the annual license fee for growers based on the size of their canopy; for processors based on the amount of marijuana processed; for dispensaries based on a tax formula, and would implement a flat fee for testing laboratories.
All growers pay $2,500 as a base.
Indoor facilities and greenhouses or light deprivation facilities with canopies over 1,667 square feet then pay an additional $2,500 for up to 10,000 square feet of canopy. For 10,001-20,000 square feet, the fee is $5,000. These tiered rates continue, with a maximum fee for 100,000+ square feet of canopy at $50,000, plus 25 cents per additional square foot of canopy.
Canopy is defined as “the total surface area within a cultivation area that is dedicated to the cultivation of flowering marijuana plants.”
Outdoor grows with canopies over 83,334 square feet pay an additional $2,500 for up to 2.5 acres. For 2.5-5 acres, the fee is $5,000. These tiered rates continue, with a maximum fee for 50 acres at $40,000, plus $250 per additional acre.
Processors pay an application fee of $2,000 for up to 2,000 pounds of dried marijuana, with an annual fee of $3,500. For 2001-3000 pounds, the application fee increases to $2,500, and the annual fee increases to $5,000. For more than 3,000 pounds of marijuana, the application fee increases to $15,000, and the annual fee increases to $20,000.
For dispensaries, in addition to the $2,500 application fee, the annual fee is calculated at 10% of the sum of 12 calendar months of combined annual sales tax and excise tax for the dispensary. The minimum fee must be at least $2,500, and the maximum fee can’t exceed $10,000.
The annual fee for a testing laboratory license is $20,000.
SB1726– Adds commercial grow facilities to the list of new marijuana businesses that must establish themselves at least 1,000 from a public or private school. It would also add technology centers primarily used for classroom instruction to the definition of “school.”
It would be easy to think that the energy brought on by the caffeine in coffee would cancel out the relaxing and focusing effects of CBD. The truth is that they work together harmoniously to take that familiar coffee energy and „even” out the effects, so there are no jitters or crash.
Download this category captain snapshot from Willie’s Remedy to see how country music legend Willie Nelson’s passion for the benefits of CBD combine with high quality and responsibly-sourced coffee to give the best of both worlds.
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You may have probably used CBD oil on yourself before and you enjoyed the benefits that come with using such products. Well, the good news is that your pet too could use some CBD oil for its health. So far, a few studies on pets have shown how CBD can be a good thing. This includes helping with relieving stress, anxiety, pain, seizures, and so much more.
With all these benefits, you would want to know more about the best CBD oil for dogs available. We use this guide to help you find the dog CBD oil products in the market you can use today for the pet.
The brand has a well-known reputation for crafting some of the best cbd dog treats and cbd dog oil. Using the Honest Paws CBD oil can get the pet feeling better from various conditions. The Honest Paws CBD oils are mostly full-spectrum rather than broad-spectrum CBD oil. This should be good for versatility. Pet owners can use this type of CBD for improving the pet’s sleep quality, arthritis, pain, and more. Having MCT oil improves how fast it is absorbed and utilized in the body.
The full-spectrum CBD oils are also organic. Since the brand gets its hemp locally, the buyers are assured of finding high-quality CBD oils for their pets. Also, the products are made in the USA in cGMP-approved facilities. Such as are nice facilities that ensure there is safety while coming up with the products.
The products are mostly around 125mg of CBD per bottle. You still have the choice of picking based on dog size so that you can find the right product. The potency will vary based on the choice of product. You can still get the extra strength CBD which is 1000mg of CBD per bottle.
Anyone in the market for organic CBD oil for their pets would consider CBDfx too. Here you will get two main flavors of CBD oil including beef-flavored CBD oil and chicken-flavored CBD oil. These are vital flavors to make the pet love using CBD more often. The price is even within the affordable range so that your pet can get the best products more often.
Looking at the potency, we find that it varies from 250mg to 2000mg of CBD per bottle. Such a variation is key in helping a dog owner buy CBD oil that would work for the pet. Also, using broad-spectrum CBD makes it safer for most dogs that might have allergy triggers to THC even in small amounts.
The brand guides you better on the dosage to use so that the pet gets better with their organic broad-spectrum CBD products. Since the CBD oils are lab tested, you now have an idea of what makes them great. We find that they do not have contaminants. The impressive 60-day money-back guarantee stands out as one of the best among competitors.
Those who are in search of organic broad-spectrum CBD oil should consider the brand. Those who love full-spectrum CBD might want to consider other brands. Being broad spectrum still means that these CBD products contain other cannabinoids. This makes them good for the pet’s health generally.
The pet CBD oils from the brand vary based on the potency and size of your dog. The lowest potency is 150 mg of CBD per bottle for the small breeds and goes up to 3000mg of CBD per bottle for extra strength. Well, the price is still affordable. This should be good enough for those looking to save a bit on their purchases.
It is hard to hate on the brand since it also shares its lab results. Each bunch of the products goes through a third-party lab test. Such a test shows transparency and if the CBD products contain contaminants. The dropper that comes with the CBD oils makes it easier to administer the recommended CBD oil dosage.
The CBD oils from Simple Wag may help promote better skin health for your pet and reduce pain and inflammation the dog might be going through. The brand also claims its CBD oil products can enhance bone and joint health. So far you can have confidence that such CBD products would improve the health of the pet.
How about the potency? You will have options such as 300, 600, and 900 mg of CBD per bottle. Such a range is good enough for most dog owners. Also, each potency level has a different lab report. This testing helps you see how each potency level can be good for your dog.
The products from this CBD company as USDA-certified organic. This just shows that its ingredients are organic and can get your pet feeling better. The manufacturing process is also organic to maintain the quality of the CBD oils the pets are going to use.
Nuleaf Natural still makes some of the best quality CBD oil you can buy for the pet. Compared to some other brands in the CBD industry, you can quickly realize it has the best offers too. Some of the benefits the pet enjoys with this CBD hemp oil include anxiety reduction and improved mobility in case the pet has arthritis.
Having organic virgin hemp seed oil instead of organic MCT oil means the products have better efficiency. With improved efficacy, the dog would start to feel better a lot sooner. The additional offer of free shipping for orders within the US will make more people consider it for good deals.
The product variety includes being able to choose the potency that would work for the pet. The choices include 300, 900, and 1800mg of CBD per bottle. The higher the potency you want, the more you have to pay to get the product. If you want to save money, consider buying in packs of 2 or 6 bottles.
Being US Hemp Authority certified makes anyone find the CBD oils from the brand a good bargain. This shows that the brand has CBD oil tincture made using organic and high-quality hemp plants. The hemp oil is still tested in third-party labs for the best confirmation of potency and purity of the CBD oil.
The 150mg of CBD per bottle potency is the most common. People enjoy using it for their pets since it is a tolerable potency. As much as it could use more potency options, the available CBD dosage is enough to keep the pet healthy. Using hemp seed oil as the carrier oil makes the product fast-acting too.
This is one of those CBD oils for dogs that are veterinarian-recommended. This is because the brand works with vets to ensure you are confident in the products you are getting. The brand also uses organic ingredients and organic MCT coconut oil for ensuring that CBD oil is fast-acting and effective too. You will like the beef, chicken, and natural flavors the brand offers. That is good for most dogs to love the taste of CBD.
This is one of those brands that get you CBD isolate oil for your dog. This is a good pick as it does not contain any THC traces. Also, you can love the potency options. They range from 150mg of CBD to 1200mg of CBD per bottle. So far, the pet owners claim that the product helps their dogs find balance and calmness.
Royal CBD also makes some of the best CBD oils on the market. The products are formulated to deliver the best performance in your dog including relieving pain, anxiety, and more. Since you get bacon flavor for CBD oil, it makes it easier to give CBD oil to your dog. Watch and see your pet enjoying CBD even more.
The CBD oil is available as either 250mg of CBD or 500mg of CBD per bottle. This is key in ensuring you have a choice of getting the right potency for your pet’s condition. Being gluten-free is another reason for considering this product. The best part is how it is lab-tested to ensure it is free from contaminants.
Petly CBD focuses on making CBD products only for dogs. That is how you find it has the best CBD oils. You can expect quite the variety here. An example is that you will get CBD oil for small, medium, and large dogs. As such, you can be comfortable knowing you have the right product for your dog.
You are looking at a potency that varies from 125mg to 500mg of CBD per bottle. That is a nice range for many ailments the dog might be facing. Since the brand uses 100% organically grown hemp, the quality of the CBD oil would also be great. There are no additives added to the oil making it good for the pet.
Anxious Pet as a brand is all about being transparent. Whatever you need, be sure the support team will give you the answer. Also, there is a CBD dosage chart on the website vital for helping you see why it is an important product for your pet. Now that you can administer it right, your pet should be healthier.
400mg and 800mg of CBD per bottle as potency make it stand out for high-strength CBD oils. Since the oils are veterinarian-formulated, then it should not be much of a problem for most people seeking to get high-quality CBD oils. The price is also within the affordable range so that you can keep buying it for your pet in the future.
How Did We Choose The Best CBD Oil For Dogs
There can be many CBD dog products, but not all are good. These CBD oils need to be from a top brand and also deliver on the promises the brand claims. We had to take enough time to find the right CBD oil for dogs among the many brands existing. Here is how we did it.
Quality & Third-party Test
The quality of the CBD oil is quite important to ensure your pet also gets the best products. Quality is determined by the ingredients used to make the CBD oil. So long as there are no unnecessary additives and contaminants, that is a quality product.
Another way of learning about the product’s quality is through third-party tests. We only feature brands that do such type of lab testing and also show the results for the buyer to read first.
Just as vets recommend CBD oil for some conditions, we also only recommend a brand if you are getting a good deal. An example is having the Honest Paws discount code with 20% off, it would help save some money and still get quality products.
Look at the overall price compared to the value you are getting from CBD pet oils. If the CBD pet tinctures are high quality, then you would not mind paying a premium price for these pet products.
Customer Reviews
Dog owners also want pet CBD oil that actually works. We did our research by looking at the customer reviews on the CBD pet products. It is from such reviews that we can recommend certain brands with surety of performance and quality products.
Size Variations
Dog CBD oil is also available in different sizes and potency. Taking CBD oil should always be based on the right dosage. That is why the size is important. Sometimes your needs might determine the size you pick. If the dog is in severe pain, buying the bigger size is better. So, we looked for brands with multiple size variations to ensure you find the right size for you.
Brand Transparency
CBD brands always try to stand out from their competitors. However, how transparent is the company?
We looked at brands with more transparency in regards to where it gets their hemp, the manufacturing process, testing, packaging, payment methods, delivery, and so much more. At least you can now buy from any brands mentioned above knowing we did our homework.
Extraction Procedure
Every batch of dog CBD oil has to go through an extraction process. This is when hemp is processed to give CBD hemp extract. The methods used are vital to determine the quality of the final product. That is why you should always consider the extraction procedure.
We looked at each brand’s extraction process and we were satisfied. Also, the third-party lab results confirmed that the products were not contaminated.
What Does CBD Oil Do For Dogs?
In case you had doubts if CBD tincture would really be good for a pet, below is a list of benefits such CBD oil would do.
Arthritis in dogs is not a new thing. That is why pet owners could use CBD for dogs with arthritis; just as CBD would help with joint problems in a person, the same happens to a pet.
It does this through its anti-inflammatory properties. Rather than having the dog on pain killers that may cause dependency, use CBD oil which would leave the pet relieved and still feeling good.
Itchiness can be due to allergy triggers in a dog. If you do not find a solution for itchiness, you are likely to visit the vet more often. So, choose CBD oil as it may help with relieving the dry and itchy skin of your pet. Also, it may promote the growth of healthy new skin cells.
It seems cancer is a big deal in dogs as most adult dogs may have cancer at one point. This means that they may have to undergo treatment such as radiation or chemotherapy. Well, the use of CBD can help slow down the growth of cancer cells and also keep the pet feeling better after a treatment.
An aggressive dog could also benefit from the best CBD for dogs. Such products would help in making the dog calmer and friendlier. Those who have used the best dog treats also find it easier to train the dogs with such flavored dog treats. So, you can always use CBD products to reinforce good behavior.
Dogs may also have seizures too. You will find most vets recommending the use of antiepileptic drugs. However, such drugs would generally lead to dependency. Research shows that CBD used for dogs with seizures helped in reducing the frequency of such seizures. It is the same thing in humans too.
Organic CBD oil for dogs can be used for anxiety and depression. The anxiety might be caused by separation, noise phobia, fear, and aggression. However, using CBD oil helps to calm down the pet thanks to its antidepressant effects.
CBD Oil for Dogs: Dose Calculator
A pet CBD oil dose calculator can be an important tool to have in mind. It would always help you understand how much CBD oil to give to your pet. There are a couple of such calculators online and most are free. This helps you to get all the information you need with ease.
The dosage calculation is mostly based on the size of your pet, weight, age, and potency of the CBD oil you want to use.
Most of these calculators would recommend using 5mg of CBD for each kilo of dog’s weight.
Is It Legal?
CBD is currently legal considering the hemp plants are legal too. So long as you are getting hemp-derived CBD oil, it should be legal in all the states in the US. This has made it possible for pet owners to access high-quality CBD oils in their areas. You can still get other high-quality CBD products such as treats and cream meant for your pet.
Is CBD Oil Safe For Dogs
Hemp-derived CBD is generally safe for your dog. You may find that the marijuana-derived CBD is not recommended as it might contain high THC levels. THC is not good for your pet.
As much as CBD can be safe, it may also have a few side effects. They include;
Dry mouth
Slight lethargy
Low blood pressure
Most dog owners noticed such side effects after using CBD pet tincture without considering the dosage. This is when a person thinks using more CBD oil would help the pet get better faster.
The brands mentioned above come with the best CBD oils for dogs. You may also find them with the best CBD dog treats too. The idea is to get you the right products your pet can rely on. Since some are flavored, the dog would not have much of a problem taking CBD oil. We do insist on following the recommended dosage by the manufacturer. This is vital for the overall health of your pet once it starts to use CBD oil.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Will CBD Oil calm a dog down?
Yes. CBD can do a good job of helping a pet calm down especially if it is easily triggered by loud noises.
2. How does CBD oil make a dog feel?
If the dog has pain, CBD oil can be good for relieving the pain. You can also use the same for conditions such as anxiety, seizures, and arthritis.
3. How much CBD oil should I give my dog for anxiety?
You are advised to consider 2 to 5 mg of CBD per KG of the dog’s weight. Give it twice a day orally.