Carson City Planning Commission approves permit for new cannabis store – Carson Now

The Carson City Planning Commission approved a request for a Special Use Permit for a new retail marijuana store at the Sept. 28 meeting.

The store will be approximately 4,000 square feet in size near the intersection of Hwy 50 W and S. Carson Street.

The permit of the project will not be effective until Oct. 1 since that is the date applied for the Ordinance 2022-19. The ordinance allows for an increase in the allowable number of marijuana retail stores to 4 and permits drive-through services.

The proposed structure will also be constructed to accommodate other permitted uses within the General Commercial zoning district, such as a restaurant.

Qualcan, LLC, the applicant of the request, proposed a structure size that was approved for 7,978 square feet. The marijuana retail store will be 3,978 square feet and the vacant space will take up 3,724 square feet, according to the report.

The drive through on the premises was also approved, with the condition of a visible and operable security surveillance system. The hours of operation are also limited to being open from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., seven days per week.

Since the retail store is near a residential area, public notices were mailed to 46 property owners within 1500 feet of the subject site on Sept. 15. The staff received six written public comments about concerns from the nearby owners, most of them surrounding hours of operation worries, traffic and parking concerns with the drive through, billboard concerns and privacy wall conditions.

According to the late material item added to the report, seven provisions were added to the permit before approval, including increased signage, increased security, a privacy wall, improved billboard conditions and city and sewage requirements.

The Planning Commission went forward and authorized the permit to be granted to Qualcan, LLC.