Best CBD Oil for Dogs: Top 5 Brands You Should Buy – L.A. Weekly

Hello, dedicated fur mamas, dog dads, and pet parents! We know you love your pooch like there’s no tomorrow, and you’d do whatever it takes to keep your furry friend happy and healthy.

As pet owners, we undergo regular vet visits, annual vaccines, walks two times a day – anything just to keep our beloved pets healthy and happy. The list is pretty much endless, and you, my dedicated dog owners, are killing it. But there’s more to health and wellness than just annual vaccines and antibiotics.

CBD oil is becoming increasingly popular to treat several doggy health issues and could be something absolutely amazing for your dog’s overall wellbeing!

CBD oil is a trending entirely natural way to tackle pain management, easing anxiety and depression, and even lowering the incidence of seizures in humans. However, incredible as it is – did you know that CBD oil is just as beneficial for our four-legged buddies too?

It is a natural oil that comes from hemp and can help your dogs return to their youthful, healthy selves in no time at all, without any of the side effects of harmful pharmaceutical medication. However, CBD oil is sometimes mistaken for THC, which has psychoactive effects and produces what is commonly known as a high. Despite this popular misconception, it’s important to know that CBD oil will not get you or your pets high.

So, CBD oil is pretty awesome, but let’s be honest – with the waves of up and coming brands emerging onto the market almost daily – picking out the good from the bad can be a little tough to do.

And that’s exactly why we’ve done all the research to present you with a list of the best CBD Oil for dogs below.

Let’s jump right in!

Our Picks For The Best CBD Oil for Dogs

1. HolistaPet

We’re going to start with the company HolistaPet. This brand has the number one recommended CBD oil for dogs available today. Their CBD oil is one-hundred percent organic, vegan, and is a premium CBD product made from hand-grown Colorado hemp.

Non-organic CBD oil can cause a lot of long-term health problems for your dog as it contains a range of chemicals, antibiotics, and GMOs that can do more harm than good. The point of the CBD oil is to help not hurt your pet, so it’s essential to find an all-organic brand like this one.

HolistaPet’s CBD oil is number one on the market for a reason. They blend their CBD with hemp oil, which helps improve your dog’s fur, skin, and nails. Their CBD oil can also help support a healthy heart and play a role in balancing your pup’s hormones while offering a diverse range of added benefits.

Does your dog get stressed out on car rides? Does it experience separation anxiety when you’re gone? Does your old pup have trouble getting around because of joint pain and inflammation? No worries – HolistaPet’s CBD oil and other products can help your dog be the best, healthiest, and stress-free version of themselves!

The CBD oil itself is as easy to administer as giving your pup a treat. It is concentrated in a bottle and comes with a dropper, meaning you can quickly put it on your dog’s food, and they’ll gobble it up with their dinner. The dosing guide provided by HolistaPet also makes it super easy for pet owners, and especially first-time users, to know how much oil to give their pets.

These products drastically reduce seizures in dogs, increase mobility, and we can’t say enough about the positive customer service as well. We really think that HolistaPet’s CBD oil for dogs is a win-win for owners and puppies alike. They are easy to administer with incredible benefits, plus, they’ll help your dog feel like a puppy again.

So, all in all – HolistaPet’s CBD oil for dogs is the perfect option if you’re looking for the best CBD oil for your pup

2. Pet Hemp Company

The next CBD oil product we’re going to look at comes from Pet Hemp Company. This brand carries an organic CBD oil that is crafted from all-natural ingredients as well.

Pet Hemp’s CBD oil for dogs has therapeutic effects on your pup’s health, with many positive, health-improvement tales from dog owners who loyally shop there. It has been shown to reduce pain and anxiety in pets and is especially recommended for older dogs.

Pet Hemp Company also makes it easy to give the CBD oil to your dogs as it comes with a drop bottle allowing you to put the oil on your pup’s food or straight into their mouth. If it’s something you’re eager to try right away, their CBD oil ships quickly, meaning you can start treating your dog faster.

3. Hemp My Pet

Hemp My Pet is another company that offers some great CBD oil for dogs. They promote organic, human-grade, and third-party tested products that can help improve your dog’s health.

Hemp My Pet offers CBD oil that is infused hemp seed, coconut, and olive oil and comes made specifically for dogs. They are also avid advocates for animal rights and donate products as well as part of their proceeds to animal rescues and sanctuaries.

We found that Hemp My Pet’s CBD oil, along with their other CBD products have helped dogs cut back on existing medications and increase elderly pets’ mobility and energy.

4. Nuleaf Naturals

Nuleaf Naturals is a company that offers CBD oils among various other CBD products for both humans and pets alike. They provide a generic pet CBD oil that is made from non-GMO plants and contains no chemicals. And it’s worth noting that Nuleaf’s pet CBD oil is particularly useful for increasing mobility in elderly pets and dogs suffering from arthritis.

5. CBD American Shaman

CBD American Shaman is a company committed to wellness that offers ultra-concentrated full spectrum terpene rich CBD oil derived from all-natural, high-quality hemp. They make a variety of products for humans, but recently, they’ve put out a line of CBD oils for dogs and cats as well.

They have both a regular CBD oil for dogs and a water-soluble version that allows you to dissolve the CBD in your dog’s water. This product has helped limit seizures in dogs who suffer from epilepsy, and it has helped manage stress in dogs who are suffering from anxiety.

What Are The Benefits Of CBD For Dogs?

CBD oil along with other CBD products has many proven benefits to help your doggo live their healthiest and happiest life, but how does it work?

The ECS (the endocannabinoid system) is a network of receptors that interact with cannabinoids like CBD and THC. By influencing these receptors, CBD oil works to maintain and even improve their ability to function. This leads to several key benefits for your dog, including pain relief (particularly from joint pain), anxiety and stress management, and improved quality of life for elderly dogs.

Below, we’ve selected a few of the key health benefits of CBD products for your pup that will speak for why CBD oil for dogs is the right choice for your four-legged furry friends.

Doggy Joint Pain

We hate seeing our fur babies suffer! One of the main reasons pet owners seek out CBD is because their dogs are in pain and suffering from joint pain or arthritis.

Joint pain, in its most basic sense, is generally an inflammation of one of the ligaments or cartilage within the joint itself. Over time, if left untreated, it makes life significantly harder for our four-legged friends. Add the constant pain along with mobility issues together, and you get the recipe to a lifetime of discomfort, which is heartbreaking for us to see as pet owners.

Thankfully, CBD oil for dogs is a useful option that helps relieve this pain and assists with gradually increasing mobility. This is one of the main reasons that dog owners try and continue to use CBD oil. Joint pain and arthritis are common ailments in pups, especially senior ones, and CBD oil can definitely help!

Stress & Anxiety

There nothing worse than seeing our dogs get stressed out! Dogs can experience a wide range of stressful emotions and situations while we’re home or away.

The stress symptoms can manifest themselves in a few different ways. Some dogs will hide and shy away from any contact with humans. Others will growl and maybe even bite anything that comes close. All in all, stress can make your dog do things that it otherwise wouldn’t, and it can take a big toll on their overall wellbeing.

CBD oil can help calm your stressed pup down, decrease the feelings of stress and anxiety, and help them live a healthy stress-free life, without the need for expensive medication that can do more harm than good for your pet.

Appetite & Digestion

Many dogs are notorious for eating. And we mean they eat lots!

Unfortunately, some pups experience loss of appetite, which, when prolonged, can lead to a range of adverse health problems for your pooch.

However, CBD oil can rekindle your dog’s appetite while also helping them process their nutritional intake a little easier. In turn, this leads to helping your pooch maintain a balanced diet and get all of the nutrients they need to stay active, happy, and healthy.

There are many health benefits that come with using CBD oil for your four-legged family members. From improving your dog’s mood to helping them alleviate mobility struggles – CBD oil makes for an effective supplement. And it has even been used to combat allergies and skin issues in dogs as well. All in all, it’s a natural and healthy way to help your pup!

Is CBD Oil Safe For Dogs?

CBD is natural and, in fact, has positive health implications for your pooch. Most of the brands we’ve covered feature little to no trace of THC contents and are made entirely with organic hemp, which allows your dog to enjoy the full range of benefits that come with cannabidiol, without the risk of any side effects!

However, keep in mind that dosage is definitely important, and you should closely follow the manufacturer instructions. But if you do add a little too much, don’t worry – it’s not life-threatening what so ever as the side effects would be limited to your dog being somewhat sedated at most.

How Much CBD Oil Should You Give Your Dog?

The best way to accurately administer the right amount of CBD oil for your pooch is to follow the manufacturer’s instructions. This also applies to other CBD products and organic hemp products that you may want to try as a supplement.

While the commonly accepted standard is around 0.5mg per 5 pounds of weight delivered twice per day – you should always double-check with the instructions you get along with your CBD oil. This is due to the fact that each product is formulated a little differently, and thus, it will have its own specific recommendations based on weight and condition. For more information, check out this handy dosage chart.

And if you’re worried about any potential reactions to CBD oil, or you’re just not sure where to get started with it all – you should consult your vet to get a helping hand with getting your dog started with CBD products.


CBD oils for dogs can help drastically improve canine health and wellness. If your beloved pup is suffering from joint pain, stress, anxiety, seizure, or appetite issues – CBD oil might be the key to bring comfort, health, and happiness into their life. It even works for cats, too!

Today we’ve covered all of the top brands in the market when it comes to CBD for dogs. And if you’ve stuck it out with us this far into the article, you’re now equipped with a perfect short-list of brands to try for your dog. We’re paws-itive that you and your pup will love it!

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