What Is CBD Oil and Should You Try It? – CL Charlotte

CBD oil is the most traditional and most popular way to take CBD supplements. Available in a practically endless list of flavors and concentrations, CBD oil is one of the most versatile and customizable ways to incorporate CBD into your diet.

CBD oils are often thought of as the natural and traditional way to take CBD supplements. This idea comes in part from the fact that CBD oil is one of the oldest methods of taking CBD supplements. CBD oil is also the base ingredient for many other CBD products, such as edibles and topicals, leading people to see it as the most traditional.

As with all CBD supplements, no one product is perfect and right for everyone. CBD oils might be traditional and offer a natural CBD solution, but are they the right way for you to enjoy CBD’s benefits?

What Is CBD Oil?

CBD is often sold in small tinctures with a built-in dropper cap that is designed to make it easy to measure out a precise dosage. CBD oils sold in this way can be made from as little as two ingredients: CBD extract and carrier oil. Many brands, however, use additional terpenes or flavorings to give their oils a more pleasing flavor profile.

CBD oils can be purchased in a range of concentrations, with some tinctures containing as little as 5mg of CBD while others pack a powerful 5000mg of CBD. Each brand has its own CBD formula and concentration options, so you need to shop around and compare the different options available.

How to Use CBD Oil

The simplest way to take CBD oil is on its own in drop form. Filling the built-in dropper with your desired amount of CBD oil and placing it under your tongue allows the oil to easily absorb through your mouth.

Taking CBD oil sublingually provides fast-acting effects as the CBD enters your body quickly and starts working its way around the endocannabinoid system. Taking CBD oils in this way is not your only option, though, as a few drops of oil can also be added to recipes and your favorite snacks.

It is becoming increasingly common to add a few drops of your chosen CBD oil to your breakfast, providing a quick and discreet way to consume CBD. CBD oils work particularly well in smoothies and in recipes that already contain oil.

What Are the Benefits of CBD Oil?

The primary benefit of CBD oil is that it is incredibly simple both in terms of how it is made and how it can be used. Even flavored CBD oils tend to contain very few ingredients, with the focus being on a natural and simple formula that ensures you know exactly what you are putting into your body. 

CBD oils are also extremely versatile compared to many other forms of CBD, giving you the freedom to use them in a way that works for you. The ability to take CBD oil on its own one day and blend it into your breakfast smoothie the next ensures that you can always work it into your day.

Are There Any Negatives?

Of course, no CBD product is perfect. Like any product, CBD oil has a few negatives, including how messy they can be and that they require dedicated time each day to use.

There have been many studies that have shown CBD supplements are most effective when used regularly and consistently. Therefore, it is essential to pick CBD supplements that you know you will be able to easily work into your everyday routine.

CBD oils require time, both to measure out a precise dosage and to ingest it, whether sublingually or with food. While this entire process might only take a few minutes for some people, for others, those few minutes can prove impossible to work into their busy schedule consistently.

Furthermore, having to carry a small bottle of liquid around with you all day that has the potential to break and make a mess is not great if you are someone who needs to take CBD while on the go.

There are many CBD options available that are completely mess-free, such as capsules and edibles. These CBD products do also come with a trade-off, though, as they do not allow for the level of control that can be experienced with CBD oils. 

How to Decide if CBD Oil Is Right for You

There are a few key questions that you can ask yourself to give you a good idea as to whether CBD oils are the right option.

Firstly, is it important to you that you have complete control over the amount of CBD that you consume at any time? If the answer is yes, then CBD oils could be the perfect solution, as you choose exactly how much oil you want.

Secondly, do you need a super quick, discreet, and mess-free way to take CBD? CBD oil, unfortunately, provides none of these things, and products such as edibles and capsules might be a much better option.

CBD oils are great when you know that you can take a few minutes out of your day to enjoy the ability to customize and control your CBD intake. 

Check out brands like PureKana for some examples of some great CBD oil.

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